Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Playa Del Run.

This Sunday I competed in the Playa Del Run 5k race.

I took 1st place in the women 20-25 division!!!

3.2 miles in 26 minutes, so I'm averaging about an 8 minute mile. Not bad!!!

I did my first open ocean swim on Saturday. Holy crap it was so scary. I really need to practice out there the next couple weeks to prepare for my race, otherwise I am going to get completely beat up by waves / current / marine life. Swimming in the ocean is a whole new challenge for me to overcome... I am a bit nervous, but I think I'll be able to handle it (I hope).

I am almost done with my fundraising though, thank goodness! Now I can just focus on training, training, training every day for the next three weeks!

Oh, also, I am attending the Interbike expo in Vegas this week. Very exciting! I will post pictures when I get back!!


Oster said...

Might I add, you kicked ass on your first open water swim and have showed vast improvment since day 1. You're doing awesome!

sarabethxvx said...

you are so awesome stacey! I am proud of you!!!