Thursday, October 9, 2008

Home Stretch.

Well, I haven't been able to train since Monday, so I'm pretty much just flying by the seat of my pants at this point. Went to the doctor this morning and she basically told me to man up, get more rest, and I should be able to race on Sunday.

My team is staying in a hotel on Saturday, which means I need to get all packed up and ready to go tomorrow. This involves a lot of careful preparation.

To Bring:

__2 towels
__3 water bottles
__swim cap
__body glide (to get the wetsuit on... don't ask)
__flip flops
__biking & running shoes
__race belt (to clip your number to)
__TnT top
__honoree bracelets
__electrolyte packets
__clean water to rinse sand off
__Clif bars
__tubes, tire, tire levers, allen wrenches, c09 cartridges
__tickets for dinner / victory party

eee I hope I'm not forgetting anything.

Okay some awesome pictures from last week's practice triathlon:

Here I am totally reppin' TnT with the wetsuit, swimcap, AND water bottle. Yeaa!

Leaving T1 to start the bike!

...and crossing the "finish line" !

Okay wish me luck on Sunday!! Or better yet, come watch me....Hermosa Pier 7:00 AM!!

1 comment:

sarabethxvx said...

YAY! you are going to win! Hope you feel better soon xo