Thursday, June 12, 2008


My BFF Sara Beth XVX was in town from Seattle last night & today - she is an avid food lover like myself, & not only vegan and straight edge, but also currently on a raw food diet. I love how restriction & discipline teaches you to try new things. Abstaining from certain activities somehow forces you to be more creative. Kind of like Christian teenagers saving their V cards for marriage that involve themselves in wild "everything but" debauchery, right??

This is Sara, the amazing Raw Vegan Straight Edge Warrior:

In this photograph she is completely overwhelmed by the amount of delicious raw food we found today.

We went to Juliano's Raw in Santa Monica. It was absolutely incredible. Here's the full menu of what we enjoyed:

Raw cocoa / nut / etc. shakes:

Delicious avocado soup mixed with their signature tortilla soup:

The Juliano's Raw version of a double bacon cheeseburger:
(raw flax bun, dehydrated nuts formed into a patty, veggies, etc, complete with zucchini "fries")

(zucchini "noodles," tomato, cashew ricotta-esque cheeze, veggies)

Overall an extremely delicious afternoon.

Tonight's exercise: shouting at my laptop screen on while watching Lakers / Celtics Game 4. Intense.

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